supplies and goodies
High Tail Hikes biothane leashes, collars, and accessories
Fig & Tyler freeze dried and baked dog treats (discount code: CA6454)
Farm Hounds high quality chews and treats (discount link here)
KEL Tech treat pouches and fanny packs
on enrichment
Sarah Owings: Find It! Games to Activate the Seeking System
Jenny Efimova: Enrichment Guide
Pet Harmony: Blog
High Tail Hikes: Enrichment Blog
on training
Kiki Yablon: To Teach Loose Leash Walking, Loosen the Leash
Dr. Susan G. Friedman: He Said, She Said, Science Says
Eileen Anderson: Actually, I Can Get My Dog’s Attention
Kay Laurence: Better Than It Was
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior: Stance on Punishment
Ali Sutch: Online Webinars
recommended reading
Canine Enrichment for the Real World, Emily Strong CDBC and Allie Bender CDBC
Don’t Shoot the Dog, Karen Pryor
Plenty in Life is Free, Kathy Sdao
Doggie Language, Lili Chin